I was listening to the radio earlier when they were talking about cryptocurrencies, which is a subject I know little about.

I was intrigued because it fits in with exactly what I want children to learn about as they grow up.

One guest on the programme explained that the language used to describe cryptocurrencies today mirrors that often used in the late 1980s and 1990s to describe the internet.

He went on to argue that the growth of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies is simply part of the evolution of money, in the same way that ebooks are part of the story of books, following the paper versions we know so well and the scratch marks on clay tablets that came way before them.

So I’ve added cryptocurrencies to the list of subjects in the emerging tech category here. While you’re there, have a look at the other inted subjects I’ve listed that I think should be taught and let me know (paul@paulparry.com) if there’s anything you think should or shouldn’t be there.

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