Fish & Chips

I wrote an article a few years ago which I published on LinkedIn called Be more cod: your success as a freelancer depends on these essentials. It was based on a Billingsgate trader's assessment of the pollock and the cod. "Lovely piece of fish," he said of the pollock...

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Love Spreads

What makes things go viral? What makes content spread online rapidly and widely? Actually, who am I to answer that, given that nothing of mine has ever gone viral? I've had one or two pieces that got shared quite a lot, but that's not the same as going viral. So I'm...

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More fuel for the bonfire arrived this morning. I'd been sent a connection request on LinkedIn a day or two ago, and I accepted as I usually do. And then this spammy approach came in (so bad it makes me think it was produced by a bot): Why's it so bad? My bio tells...

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It's been 6 Music's All Day Rave today, which I've enjoyed with Shoelace (might explain why this post is a tad late). And trawling through Twitter I came across a video about how and why the Hacienda was created, with an interview by the designer: Which clubs did you...

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Speak Like A Child

I tried to learn Spanish last year. I grasped about four words. I also learned a simple but valuable lesson when it comes to trying to speak another language: Aim for communication rather than perfection. I used a couple of apps and this video:...

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The Man With The Red Face

Sometimes, the internet's brilliant for nothing other than giving us a laugh. One of my personal favourites is this: What's the lesson here? Probably that life experience goes a long way. >>>Playlist<<<

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Play The Game

Do kids know how Facebook and the other big social media platforms make money? Do they know why they make money? These days, it costs money if an individual or organisation wants to put a Facebook post in front of a few people. Without paying, the post won't reach as...

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There Goes The Fear

I got a bit excited and added my recently registered domain to my new Instagram account: I haven't yet built a new page - that'll come soon - but, as I wrote here suggesting something along these lines, I have set up (which cost me about a pound) to...

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Anybody’s Answer

Yesterday I wrote a post about, a great resource for asking questions. There's another great site I've used to find what questions people are asking, in the vague hope of being able to answer them via a website or book or something: It's...

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Can You Feel The Force

I could've gone with all sorts of songs for today's post - I was looking for a track whose title is a question, and there are loads, but I didn't really fancy Do You Know the Way to San Jose? or Who's Zoomin' Who?. So I went with Can You Feel The Force? because it...

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