Got To Keep On
I'm not one for harping on about things (OK, I sometimes might be) and I'm certainly not one for feeling sorry for myself. But a gentle reminder here and there of why you do what you do, and how it can turn out, especially when you're up against a bump in the road, is...
Don’t Be Nice to Me
I've been thinking about things and I want your opinion. Please answer this one question: Create your own user feedback survey >>>Playlist<<<
Today started off a little painfully. I'd asked for an honest assessment of the book from my great friend Suze - and that's exactly what I got. I won't go into detail here but it's left me with some big questions to answer, some big decisions to make and a lot of work...
Crystal Clear
I wrote here about how successful products and services aren't for 'everybody'. The producers of those things are clear about who they're for and what they're for. Here's a great page on who your audience might be and what they might... respond to relate to admire...
Show Me Love
Here's a little story for you. Once upon a time, I used to work in TV. And one day, some anonymous colleague in a far-away office signed me up to the company pension scheme. And then I left that scheme. Long story, but it was about trust: when researching mortgages, I...
From Now On
My good friend and a loyal reader of this blog, Andy, suggested a couple of changes that I could make to this blog that might improve it. And I reckon he's right. So from now on, you'll be able to leave a comment on this and future posts. The other suggestion was to...
"Kill your babies." As analogies go, this one's fairly unpleasant. It means don't be scared of killing off or moving away from an idea or project that's close to your heart. If it's not right, not working or not for you, move on. It'll be painful, of course it will....
All or Nothing
One comma matters: I'd published the post, shared it on Twitter and added it to both the draft of the weekly that'll go out on Thursday and the single page that contains all the week's posts. But there was a problem: a comma was missing. So I edited and republished...
What is a tag cloud? Very similar to a word cloud. What's a word cloud? One of these: Word or tag clouds typically use colour, bold text and a larger font size to represent greater prominence or frequency of the tags or words depicted....
There's a new page on the website. It's part of a basic funnel I've set up: The aim is to get traffic via a new Instagram page, @the_insta_book_club, where I'll be sharing the new book If people are interested in what I have to say, hopefully they'll click the link in...