Watch and Learn
A split test is when a marketer compares the effectiveness of two elements. They could be: Headlines Price points Guarantees A full stop compared with an exclamation mark Different fonts Different colours on the call-to-action button Actually, marketers split-test all...
Time Is Running Out
Do you know anyone who'd forget to make a cup tea on the way to the kettle? Behaviour like that suggests there might be too much going on in that person's mind in that moment. So what's the best way to handle an overwhelming number of tasks that you need to do? I love...
Your Love
Today's the day. We've made it: we're one year in to daily posts published on this blog and I've very grateful to you for reading at least one of them. It started by a nagging sense that I should be doing something, then seeing this on Instagram: Thanks so much for...
This Is The Place
I signed up to receive a report the other day that suggests the UK has become "the world's hottest tech hub in 2019", based on: Apart from this report being a great example of content marketing, it also confirms that we in the UK are lucky and should be encouraging...
Push The Feeling On
I've been wondering how to keep you and other wonderful readers of this blog updated more effectively every time a new post goes live. Yes, I publish every day, but times vary depending on my work, location, family commitments and so on. One idea is RSS, which stands...
U Got The Look
An area of internet education that might benefit young people is online dating, especially now that Facebook has announced it's to enter the market. Facebook Dating: Can be accessed in the Facebook app but requires users to create a separate dating-specific profile...
If you had £50,000 to spend on your business what would you do? Some ideas: Hire someone Get a new website Pay off debt Attend an event where your ideal customers/clients are Invest in training >>>Playlist<<<
Heavyweight Champion of the World
Here are 14 ideas that I picked up at an event a few years ago that could turn your business into a heavyweight: Know your numbers, such as cost-per-customer, spend-per-customer, average lifetime value of a client or customer List building - it's not your customers'...
The Model
A great friend once told me about how he he'd built his business on 'four pistons', four ways to earn money so that if one drops off for some reason, things wouldn't go pear-shaped overnight. It got me thinking, and I've revisited the idea ever since, always...
Who Are You
A word on writing: I found an old print-out of some writing advice. I have no recollection of who wrote it but here it is*: Write. Put one word after another. Find the right word, put it down. Finish what you're writing. Whatever you have to do to finish it, finish...