Need Your Love So Bad

Just as in copywriting, where the job of the first line is simply to get the reader to read the second line, it's important to understand that when marketing your product or service you don't expect too much too soon. Talk of marriage on a first date might just scare...

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What Difference Does It Make?

When there are so many places to buy followers for your social media account, why shouldn't you? Why shouldn't just dive in and grab yourself extra likes, views and comments? What difference does it make? You can easily buy a thousand followers for less than a tenner,...

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Promised Land

In about 2007, I was heavily in debt and learning about lots of the different types of writing that I could do to make a living. One of the most lucrative forms of copywriting, I discovered, is writing sales copy. And back then, long - really long - sales letters...

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Get Back

A term I come across fairly often online is 'reverse engineering'. Here's a definition: It's working out how something was (or might have been) made or achieved by looking at the result first and then trying to identify how the creator reached that point by looking at...

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Google Sheets and Google Docs are so useful and so embedded in my daily work that it'd be hard to imagine the pain if I weren't able to use them one day, suddenly and without warning. But that's exactly what happened to someone I know and their business: they went to...

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Back & Forth

Occasionally I'll read a tip (always more comfortable for me to say out loud than 'life hack') that reckons it'll give me back ten hours a week or similar. One that springs to mind sells the idea that flitting backwards and forwards between email, the news, Twitter,...

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Moving Too Fast

I've only gone and done it. I've cut the chord. In other words, I've told Sky we're leaving them and have gone for Freeview and Netflix instead. No point paying nearly sixty quid a month for rubbish telly we don't watch. On their letters to tell me I'm leaving/they're...

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Playing With Knives

Internet education is, admittedly, a wide-ranging subject. But I can see benefits for teenagers of all abilities and backgrounds, and with all sorts of talents, understanding how to use the internet's abundance of opportunities to help build themselves a life they can...

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Let's say you have a teenage son or daughter. Let's say that teenager is old enough to get a job and that it might be a good idea that he or she starts to earn some money. Let's say there's a bit of 'resistance' to the idea. "You don't have to get a job," I say. "But...

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Crash and Burn

Who's running the show? Politically, as a nation, we're in limbo. Theresa May's Brexit strategy plan omniclusterfuckshambles has well and truly crashed and burned. Our political situation is related to this blog because this blog is related to: Opportunities...

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