The State of Things
Ofcom recently published its annual study of UK adults' media use and attitudes, Adults: Media use and attitudes report 2019. Two things (among many) from elsewhere in the report that strike me as needing urgent attention: Newer users tend to be less...
I can't remember the first time I heard the word legacy but I heard it a lot, as I grew up, in the context of the Olympic Games through my dad's work for Reuters and the IOC. Nor can I remember ever looking up the definition. Instead, it probably found its way into my...
Yesterday I wrote about a great tool for identifying colours digitally so that you can mirror them elsewhere, online or off. How does it work? When you use Instant Eye Dropper it gives you what's called a six-character hex code (click here for a definition), which may...
Bullet the Blue Sky
There's a great little free tool available for when you want to replicate a colour online. For example, if you've created a website for your new business and you want to create flyers or business cards to match that site exactly, I recommend Instant Eye Dropper....
When you're starting a new project or launching a new business, it's a good idea to think about the logical order of what needs to be done. For example, that means checking to see if the domain name you want to use is actually available before you commit to that name...
Let’s Go Surfing
In order to be ‘live’ on the internet, a website needs a home (a hosting server). Lots of companies provide hosting, some good, some less so; some are cheap, some are dirt cheap; and some are free. I always use Hostgator*: they’re inexpensive, reliable and offer...
Dead End Street
When a reader gets to the bottom of your webpage, what do they see? What do you want them to do? It could be any of these: Click for more details Buy something Sign up to your newsletter Claim their free offer Read your next article Follow you on social media Whatever...
I Like It
I saw something while working in Glasgow last year that made me smile: >>>Playlist<<<
Everybody (All Over the World)
When creating something - a book, for example - and somebody asks you, "Who's it for?" it might be tempting to answer by declaring, "Everybody!", with boundless enthusiasm. The truth is, nothing's for 'everybody'. What you're creating, what that company sells is...
Hello Happiness
As you might have noticed, I like to promote creativity for a few reasons, and now "groundbreaking research" commissioned by BBC Arts suggests that "even the briefest time spent on a creative pastime such as painting, pottery or playing the piano, has an impact on our...