
In his book Start With Why, Simon Sinek suggests that individuals and organisations who are clear about why they do what they do, as well as what and how they do it, are the ones who lead and enjoy success: Apple and  Martin Luther King Jr to name two. MLK had a dream...

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Another Brick in the Wall

Why inted? Because the internet is where tech, business and media collide like never before. We have institutions that teach all three subjects separately but we should be teaching children how those subjects combine with creativity. Why? To be another brick in the...

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Think For Yourself

Deciding to become a driving instructor when I wanted to be a freelance writer and editor wasn't one of my better moves. It was a decision based on fear and protecting the dream of my real goal. If I didn't strive to achieve it, I couldn't fail. So I ended up going...

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Too Blind To See It

Banner ads: those highly visible images slapped across the top of a webpage on behalf of an advertiser desperate for our attention and hosted by a publisher desperate for cash - or at least is willing to comprise attention on their own content and show the world what...

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Lesson in My Life

I flew to Minsk recently via Amsterdam. As I stood waiting to get my case, a mate who I was travelling with asked me if I'd ever lost my luggage on a flight. I hadn't - touch wood. And then the carousel stopped. With no more cases on it. Mine was probably still in...

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Speed King

Ever seen Google AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) listed in Google and wondered what it means? It's Google-backed technology that enables any website publisher to produce pages that load very quickly on mobile phones. More than a quarter of visitors will leave a website...

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The Bouncer

There's a great idea for freelancers in Michael Port's Book Yourself Solid: the Velvet Rope policy. The analogy is that we as freelancers should treat those we do business with like exclusive night clubs treat the people trying to get in. Those people want to be...

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Talk Talk

Clearly, I’ve got plenty to say but I’m keen on only a few of the platforms available to me. I try to avoid negative people and negative conversation, and generally prefer to converse in person or on the phone rather than via a screen or to a machine, whether it’s an...

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Feel It Still

In my experience, some pain never truly goes away, so I don’t expect it to. I believe you can reduce its negative effect on your life and happiness, but this only happens when you stare it in the face and deal with it. And it doesn’t matter how long it takes you,...

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I wanted to try to work at big sporting events partly so that I could understand the world my dad spent so much time in, and loved. It wasn’t necessarily about wanting to follow in his footsteps. It was more about wanting a deeper understanding of who he was. My dad:...

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